Obtaining a Green Card For An Asylee

If USCIS granted you asylum status, you are eligible to apply for a green card (permanent residence) immediately after receiving your grant of asylum. Your spouse and children are also eligible to apply for a green card if they were admitted to the United States as asylees or were included in your grant of asylum.

You are not required to apply for a green card; however, it may be in your best interest to do so. You may no longer qualify for asylum status with the right to remain permanently in the United States if:

Eligibility Criteria

If you are an asylee, you may apply for a green card immediately after being granted asylum if you:

Application Process

To apply for a green card, you must file the Form I-485 (link to: https://www.uscis.gov/i-485) , Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status.

Note: When your green card is granted, you (and your derivative family members) will have your date of adjustment of status rolled back 1 year from the date your green card is granted.

Supporting Evidence for Form I-485

If your asylum status is granted, you should file a Form I-485 with the following supporting documentation (in this order):