If a governmental body fails to provide you information — or fails to request an attorney general ruling within 10 business days — you may file a written complaint with the Open Records Division (ORD).
Please include with your written a complaint a copy of your original request for information, any response from the governmental body and any other documentation that may help us resolve your complaint.
Written complaints can also be filed against governmental bodies that fail to comply with an attorney general ruling. If a governmental body fails to release information to you in accordance with an attorney general ruling, you may send a written complaint to the ORD.
You may file a written complaint if you believe you are being overcharged for a copy or inspection of public information.
A governmental body must follow the cost rules written by the attorney general. The cost rules are found in the Texas Administrative Code. These rules are mandatory for all governmental bodies, except to the extent that other laws establish charges for specific kinds of information.
A complaint of overcharges must be received no later than 10 business days after you know of the alleged overcharge. When you file your written complaint you must include a copy of your original request for information and any correspondence stating the charges.
The ORD provides requestors and governmental bodies an Open Government Hotline for questions. The hotline is staffed by OAG Open Records Attorneys with experience in these areas of law. Hotline staff can answer questions and provides information about open government laws. However, hotline staff cannot provide legal advice to private citizens or governmental entities.
The Hotline can be reached at:
We receive a large number of calls. Therefore, if our staff is not immediately available to answer your call, please leave a message, including your name and telephone number, and someone will return your call as soon as possible.