Sales Tax Information

Larimer County businesses selling tangible personal property must have a County sales tax license and collect the sales tax. In addition to the County tax, the vendor must be licensed and collect the State's and Town or City sales tax when applicable.

A Larimer County sales tax license does not constitute a waiver, expressed or implied, of the Larimer County Land Use Code or grant permission to commence the operation of such a business. It is the owner's responsibility to contact the appropriate County departments or taxing jurisdictions to determine the legality of doing business.

The first step of the licensing process for a new business is to start with the Colorado Department of Revenue and receive the "Revenue Registration Account Number" or State sales tax number. The State's sales tax number is required on Larimer County's sales tax application, and no County license will be processed without it. Each location is required to have its own sales tax license. The municipality should be contacted for licensing requirements if the business is within a Town or City's limits.

Helpful Information